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ChitoClear met actieve ingrediënt ChitoSan


ChitoClearTM chtiosan is proven to be the purest chitosan possible. Odorless, colorless and tasteless, ChitoClear is free of allergens, viruses and other contaminants. The combination of quality raw materials from untainted waters and a unique processing technology allows Primex to produce the purest and most effective chitosan on the market today.

Benefits of ChitoClear 

  • Natural
  • Biopolymer
  • Anti-Bacterial
  • Anti-Fungal
  • Anti-Viral
  • Non-Toxic

ChitoClear is a positively charged compound, it is able to attract and bind to fatty acids which are negative charge. ChitoClear can absorb up to 4-6 times its weight in fat including LDL cholesterol and prevent that fat from being absorbed into the body.

The positive charge of the ChitoClear molecules attracts negatively charged red blood